I don’t have much time this week, nor have I listened to anything new I feel compelled to talk about, but here’s a little something something to tide you over. Sorry, it’s all I’ve got for now.
I want the Office Ladies to do another book, and I know what I want to it to be about
I absolutely loved the book Angela and Jenna wrote about The Office; my daughter and I went to see them live, too.
But I’m greedy! I want more. So here’s my idea: I’ve mentioned many times that I like to tell my husband some of the fun tidbits I’ve heard on podcasts, and for the most part, he doesn’t care because all my podcasts are hosted by celebrities. The ones that don’t evoke eye rolls or polite boredom are almost always from the deep dives on the Office Ladies podcast.
I’ve learned about:
fishing line / monofilament
the connection between the (fictional) taste and (actual) smell of Skittles
the Canadian $100 bill and the myth (?) that it smells like maple syrup
women taking their husband’s name
beet vodka
There’s so much more! Bring on the book.
Linda Dano almost killed Jimmy Stewart
Yes, I’m still enjoying her interviews with Another World stars! She had Joe Barbara on and they were talking about meeting their idols. He mentioned Jimmy Stewart—a favorite of all three of ours, it seems—and Linda said she almost ran over him in her car! He stepped off the curb and she hit him, so she ran over to check on him and then saw who it was and freaked out. He had to calm HER down.
Now I’m wishing I’d (gently) hit Jimmy Stewart in a car once, just so I could talk to him. There are probably better ways to meet your favorite celeb, though.
I was a guest on Trek Marry Kill
Loved being invited back to one of my favorite Trek podcasts. Bryan and I talked about two episodes from Star Trek: The Animated Series: “Beyond the Farthest Star” and “Yesteryear.” I am officially obsessed with the expression “Vulcan softsuit” and now refer to all my soft pants that way. #SoftPantsRule #VulcanSoftsuit
And of course, we talked about the Lower Decks season finale on All Access Star Trek.
Busy times ahead!
This newsletter is going to be erratic for the next month or two, as I’m working on a new book! I can’t say what it’s about yet, but it’s a show I love dearly that isn’t Star Trek—which doesn’t exactly narrow it down. I haven’t had time to listen to my usual podcasts, let alone write about them. Let’s see how it goes.
That’s me for the next month. Wish me luck!